Saturday, November 28, 2009

"I'm kind of a big deal!"

Journal entry - 12/2008

While out at the Sportcenter, I was standing by the bar talking with Mike and Katie.  Out of the corner of my eye I noticed this guy looking at me.  He was hot.  Tattoos, goatee, white bandana on his head..very bad boy looking type.  He came up to me and started flirting with me a little.  He was very cocky..which I liked, and was very loud.  Him and his friends kept yelling out "Do You Know Who I Am!!".  Every time he started yelling Kaite and I just started laughing.  It was frickin hilarious.  Of course we came up with a nickname "RAGE."  After he introduced himself to us, he preceded to say "I'm kind of a big deal".  Obviously very over confident in himself.  I didn't care though cuz he was so damn good to look at.  As we were chatting he had his hands around my waist and tried to kiss me.  Since this was just the start of Mike and I trying the whole open relationship thing, I pulled away and turned to see what Mike was thinking about that. Keep in mind, Rage did not know that Mike was my husband.  Mike said go for it, so I pulled him into me and slid my tongue into his mouth and kissed him.  Wow, it was so hot!  So at the end of the night as we were leaving Rage was trying to talk me into going with him to his place.  I wanted to so damn bad but since Mike was with me I told him no, but I gave him my number so he could call me.  (Trust me this is not the last you will hear of Rage)

So on Monday, while I was at work I get a text from Mike.  He sent me a picture of what the cap on his Sobe bottle said..."You're kind of a big deal."  Interesting that this is he same thing that Rage told me at the bar about himself...hmmm.  Needless to say this was the new saying for the next few

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